PortoMega - Multipurpose Portfolio Template
PortoMega – Multipurpose Portfolio HTML being a portfolio template, the designers designed it creatively so that anyone can use it for multipurpose action. Whether you are a designer, developer, or expertise in any particular field, you can use PortoMega for your website. As it is a Html based template, it is completely responsive for any device. If you are searching for a Html portfolio template with a beautiful but straightforward appearance, PortoMega is for you.
Proper use of color variation with stunning graphics makes it alluring to the user. The use of catchy and trendy transitional effect makes it stand out from other Html portfolio templates. Apart from the multi-sectioned homepage, it contains five different pages including About Us, Portfolio, Page, Blog, and Contact Us. Being an Html template with the latest Bootstrap v4.x Ready, HTML 5, and CSS 3, is super responsive for all types of devices including desktop, Smartphone, and all the major stream browsers. So, you can use the PortoMega to hold tight your audience with its super-duper features and interface.
PortoMega is crafted with html5, CSS3, and bootstrap v4. Its mind-blowing appearance with eye-catchy icons makes this template stand out. needless to mention that it is fast loading and responsive template. Multipurpose Responsive Html Template modern, clean and professionally crafted HTML template which can be used by Payment Billing, Shop, Corporate, lawyer, business, finance Websites , construction, medical etc.
Template features:
- Clean & Simple Design
- All files are well commented
- Portfolio and gallery concept
- CSS3 Animations
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Latest Bootstrap v4.x Ready
- Font Awesome Icon used and included
- Image slider with captions
- High Resolution like 1920×1080
- Separate color file
- Retina Ready
- Clean Design
- Fully Responsive
- Modern Cross Browser Support
- W3C Validated Code
- Extensive Documentation
You will find the following HTML files in the download pack:
- index
- index_02
- index_03
- index_04
- index_05
- index_06
- 02_column_Portfolio
- 02_column_Portfolio_gutterless
- 02_column_portfolio_masonry
- 02_column_portfolio_masonry_gless
- 03_column_portfolio
- 03_column_portfolio_gutterless
- 03_column_portfolio_masonry
- 03_column_portfolio_masonry_gless
- 03_column_portfolio_with_slid
- 03_column_portfolio_with_slid_gutterless
- 04_column_portfolio
- 04_column_portfolio_gutterless
- 04_column_portfolio_masonry
- 04_column_portfolio_masonry_gless
- about-me
- about-us-01
- about-us-02
- about-us-03
- blog_single_page_left_sidebar
- blog_single_page_right_sidebar
- coming-soon
- Coming-soon-02
- Contact-Us-01
- Contact-Us-02
- Contact-Us-03
- frequently_asked
- frequently_asked_02
- our_services
- our_services_02
- portfolio_metro_margin_less
- portfolio_metro_margin_less_gutterless
- portfolio_metro_with_margin
- portfolio_metro_with_margin_gutterless
- portfolio_single_page
- portfolio_single_page_02
- portfolio_single_page_03
- portomega_404
- portomega_404_02
- portomega_blog_01
- portomega_blog_02_left_sidebar
- portomega_blog_02_right_sidebar
- portomega_blog_03_left_sidebar
- portomega_blog_03_right_sidebar
- portomega_blog_04
- portomega_cart
- portomega_checkout
- portomega_showcase
- portomega_showcase_02
- pricing-01
- pricing-02
- pricing-03
- product_02_column_left_sidebar
- product_02_column_right_sidebar
- product_03_column
- product_04_column
- products_detail_page
- service_single_page_01
- service_single_page_02
- team-1
- team-2
- team-3
- team-4
- testimonials-1
- testimonials-2
- testimonials-3
Sources and Credits
- Mulish
- Montserrat
- PhotoDune
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- jQuery
- Owl Coursel2
- Bootstrap
- Fancy Box
Please note that images used in live preview are not included in the package. If you have any questions please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thank you.
$10 $9
Last Update | |
Published | 30-03-2021 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Files Included | HTML files, CSS files, JS files, Images,... |
Tags |