Miso - Modern Shop Bootstrap Template
About Miso:
Miso is a website template designed in a modern and minimalist style, with 26 pre-built HTML pages, this template will help users and developers to build a professional e-commerce or online shopping website.
Miso is built on Bootstrap Framework, the most popular Framework today for building website interfaces, which has given Miso an impressive web style with an enjoyable and responsive experience for mobile devices. Miso’s source code is written in HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript, meeting the standards set by W3C.
This template does not use external dependent libraries such as Jquery, Angular, Vue… but only uses pure Javascript, so it helps the code to be lighter and optimize the page loading speed. Miso uses most of the components, features and classes of Bootstrap so the code is less and the file size is minimized. In addition, Miso’s source code is built meticulously, carefully and fully annotated, making it easier to customize, extend and maintain.
Miso Features:
- Designed for online shops (E-Commerce Websites)
- 26 HTML pages available
- Hero Banners Carousel
- Fullscreen Hero Banners
- 2 product listing options (Grid/List)
- Product filters (Offcanvas Filter on mobile)
- Product Photos (Impressive zoom effect)
- Shopping Cart/Checkout Pages
- Quick view shopping cart (Bootstrap Offcanvas)
- Customer Account pages (Dashboard, Wishlist, Orders, Address, Setting...)
- Sticky header (Smooth effect)
- Dropdown Menu (Bootstrap Navbar)
- Carousel for Products, Posts
- Contact Form (Includes PHP files)
- Mobile menu (Bootstrap Offcanvas)
- Image Lightbox
- Bootstrap 5.3
- Bootstrap Icons
- HTML5 & CSS3 (W3C standard)
- Pure JavaScript (Don't Use Dependent Libraries)
- SEO standards
- Mobile responsive support
- Animated effects (Show elements by scrolling)
- Google Fonts (Jost)
- Clean and fully commented source code
- Includes documentation
- Free support
- Free updates
Miso uses libraries and plugins including Bootstrap 5.3, Bootstrap Icons, gLightbox, scrollCue, Tiny-slider.
The website template uses demo images sourced from Pixabay, Pexels.
Note: The images on the Miso site are for Demo purposes only. Please use your images for your website...
Miso website template is just an HTML template, please make sure you need an HTML version before purchasing this template, We will not refund you for any reason related to the wrong purchase of this template.
$10 $29
Last Update | |
Published | 11-09-2023 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Files Included | HTML files, CSS files, JS files, Images,... |
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