Lendex - Web Developer & Designer Portfolio Bootstrap 5 Template
For every creative professional, the importance of a good portfolio goes without saying. To create an ideal Web developer and design portfolio website and make sure a striking online presence, Lendex will be a spectacular solution. Creating a stunning and robust online portfolio happens in little to no time when you deploy this robust, impactful, and innovative Bootstrap 5 based web template for your personal portfolio website.
Lendex contains homepage, service page, about us page, project page, blog page, FAQ page, contact page, etc. Personalizing this superb Bootstrap 5 portfolio web template is pretty simple. This template would be your best bet in sorting out an interest-sparking portfolio website in little to no time. You can welcome your site visitors and attract them with an attention-grabbing slideshow on the homepage. You can showcase your services with the service section, use a stunning progress bar to show your skills, use the counter display section to present important data about you, etc. Other sections on the homepage include the portfolio section, blog section, testimonial section, etc.
Lendex is a creative web developing tool containing a bundle of goodies. Some amazing features in this template are Blog Page, W3C Valid HTML Files, Google Fonts, Icofont, Working Contact Form with Ajax, etc.
Built with the latest version of the popular Bootstrap framework, Lendex rocks a super responsive and cross-browser compatible layout. Therefore, your web visitors can browse your site from any web browser or device without any hassle.
In all, the vast number of assets and features of this premium web template enables you to showcase your portfolio finely. Purchase this premium template today and stay ahead in the competition.
Main Features List:
- Elegant and eye-catching homepage
- 15+ HTML pages
- Build with Bootstrap 5
- Made with SASS (SCSS)
- Icon font ( Icofont )
- Google Fonts
- W3C Validated Code
- Clean Code
- Creative and Modern Design
- Fully Responsive
- Smooth animations
- Easy to customize
- Cross Browser Support
- Well Documented
- No console error
- Dynamic Contact form with AJAX
change log
Version: 1.1—-—-Date: 26 – 06 – 2021
1. jQuery Plugins Update from 3.5.1 to 3.6.0 2. jQuery Migrate Plugin Update from 3.3.0 to 3.3.2 3. Swiper Plugins and css Update from 6.4.10 to 6.7.1 4. animate.min.css Update 3.7.0 to 4.1.1 5. Venobox plugins and css Update from 1.9.1 to 1.9.3
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$10 $17
Last Update | |
Published | 15-04-2021 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Files Included | HTML files, CSS files, JS files, Images,... |
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