Fixzer - Car Service, Car Washing HTML Template

Fixzer Repair theme is designed for creating websites of autocare, auto mechanic , automotive repair shops, car service, stores with spare parts and accessories for car repairs, car washes, service stations, car showrooms painting, major auto centers and other sites related to cars and car services. A template is suitable for any type of small businesses related to automobiles – garages motels and gas stations, repair of tires and wheels, repairs of brakes and other parts of cars,car wash, car rental, car diagnostics, auto glass repair, private car services, etc. It has a versatile design oriented for automotive topics. The theme includes page with the schedule of the service, the page “Free Consultation” form page, the page contains area of ​​the company, description of work, questions and answers page and team members. Template is suitable for users with zero programming skills as well as for experienced developers.

Fixzer: is a clean and mobile responsive care service, denting and panting, car washing HTML which is very easy to customize according to different type of business need.

Fixzer is well designed creating websites of automotive repair shops, stores with spare parts and accessories for car repairs, car washes, car danting and panting, service stations, car showrooms painting, major auto centers and other sites related to cars and car services.

Fixzer is suitable for any type of small businesses related to automobiles – gas stations and garages motels, repair of tires and wheels, repairs of brakes and other parts of cars, car rental, auto glass repair, car diagnostics, private car services, etc.


  • Free Slider Revolution – ($16 Save)
  • W3 Validate HTML
  • 17+ Most Required HTML Pages
  • 4 Home Page Available
  • Ajax Based running Contact form
  • Latest Bootstrap + CSS3 + HTML5
  • Light, Clean and Elegant Design
  • Fully Responsive
  • Lightweight, very fast and easy to use
  • Validated HTML Code
  • Eye-catching Typography
  • Stylish and Balanced Design
  • Custom Grid System
  • Awesome color Combination
  • Easy to Customize
  • Free Google Fonts
  • Fully Layered and Organized PSD File Included
  • Super Responsive for all latest browsers and mobile devices

You will get

  • PSD Files Included
  • HTML Files
  • PHP File for Contact mail
  • jQuery and Javascript files
  • CSS files
  • Proper Documentation
  • Slider Responsive jQuery Version Free with Template


  • Open Sans
  • poppins


  • Font Awesome
  • Flaticon
  • Themify


Send your queries on for any issues or problem you are facing regarding this product.


Note : Images used in the demo are not provided in download package.


Regular license: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for (access is free and there will be no monthly subscription fees). The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee. The Regular License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of the digital work (Item) you have selected. You can’t Sell the End Product, except to one client. (If you or your client want to Sell the End Product, you will need the Extended License.)
For more details:

Extended license: Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee (there is no free access eg: or monthly subscription fees). You are licensed to use the Item to create one single End Product for yourself or for one client (a “single application”), and the End Product may be Sold. This license is a “single application” license and not a “multi-use” license, which means that you can’t use the Item to create more than one unique End Product.
For more details:

Change Log

v2.0 – 15 July 2024
* Added - Home Page 4
* Update - Bootstrap v5.3.x
* Update - jQuery v3.7.1
* Update - Custom JS Update
* Update - Documentation
* Bug Fixed - HTMl W3 Validation
* Bug Fixed - Design issue resolve
* Improvement:- HTML, CSS, and JS File Improve

v1.0 – 24 Febuary 2019

* Created and Launch HTML Template

$10 $21

Live Preview
You can download it after purchase.

Last Update
Published 17-03-2019
High Resolution Yes
Files Included HTML files, CSS files, JS files, Images,...
Tags auto, automotive, cab listing, car, car directory, car listing, directory, finance calculator, inventory, listing vehicle, motorbike, rent, used cars, vehicle listing


Our goal is to make high-quality design accessible to everyone at an affordable price. We collaborate with a global network of talented designers and developers who provide us with unique and innovative designs at a reduced cost. By streamlining our processes and focusing on efficiency, we keep our prices low, making professional-quality designs accessible to all businesses and individuals.
Yes, you can use the themes for multiple projects as long as they comply with our terms.
The download file includes everything you need to get started: HTML, CSS, JS files, and all relevant images. The files are identical to what you see on the live demo, provided in clean and well-structured HTML format for easy customization without requiring additional installations.
Yes, we provide dedicated customer support to help you resolve any issues or questions related to our themes. You can reach out to us through our support email ([email protected]), and we’ll respond promptly.