Fixyland - Hotel and Resort Booking HTML Template
Fixyland - Hotel and Resort Booking HTML Template
Fixyland Template is an amazing minimal Hotel and Resort Booking HTML Template that is extremely easy to use. Besides its unique and modern look, bootstrap framework, wow animation, owl carousel slider, GSAP animation, jQuery, magnific-popup, SEO friendly code, cross browser compatibility, and responsive. It is seamlessly across different devices, including laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Fixyland allows you to build the best hotels, resorts, villas, and any type of hotel industry website. This template is designed with modern design and all home pages and many built-in awesome inner pages such as booking form, rooms-grid, rooms-list, rooms details, services, services details, about us, restaurant, pricing, gallery, faq's, 404, staff, staff details, blog grid, blog list, blog details, contact, and etc.
It's also well documented and clean coded that's why anyone can change it easily and 24/7 professional and ultra-fast Support.
Features Overview
- 3+ Home Pages
- The Fixyland template has nice and clean home pages.
- 22+ Inner HTML Pages
- Fixyland template was coded with beautiful and clean codes! Some powerful HTML files were 100% valid W3 web standards.
- Bootstrap V5 Framework
- Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
- SASS File
- This project contains SASS style
- Developer Friendly Code
- Fixyland template has nice and clean codes for development.
- Touch Friendly
- Easy browsing on touch devices.
- 100% Responsive Layout Design
- The Fixyland template will give your audience a responsive and user-friendly presence. It's smoothly adjustable with any kind of device.
- Detailed Documentation
- Extensive documentation plus great guides on how to setup and customize Trucking will make your customizations super easy and fast!
Key Features
- 3+ Home Pages
- 22+ Inner HTML Pages
- Bootstrap V5 Framework
- GSAP Animation
- Owl Slider with Animation
- Working PHP Contact Form
- Custom Transition Effects
- Text Animation Effect
- Free Icon Fonts (Font Awesome)
- Google Fonts
- SVG Icon Used
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- Standard Custom Code Created
- No Console Errors
- W3C Validated Code
- Truly SEO Optimized Code
- Compatible With All Major Browsers
- 100% Responsive
- Easy to Edit
- All Files are Well Commented
- 24/7 Awesome Support
- Well Documentation
- And Much More…
List of HTML Files
- 1. index.html
- 2. index-2.html
- 3. index-3.html
- 4. about-us.html
- 5. blog-details.html
- 6. blog-grid.html
- 7. blog-list.html
- 8. blog-sidebar.html
- 9. booking.html
- 10. contact.html
- 11. error.html
- 12. faq.html
- 13. gallery.html
- 14. pricing.html
- 15. restaurant.html
- 16. rooms-details.html
- 17. rooms-grid.html
- 18. rooms-list.html
- 19. services.html
- 20. services-2.html
- 21. services-details.html
- 22. staff.html
- 23. staff-details.html
- 24. terms-conditions.html
- 25. privacy-policy.html
What you will get?
- HTML Files
- Supporting CSS, SCSS, JS & Other Files
- Documentation
Sources and Credits
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Sass
- WOW Animation
- OWL Carousel
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Jquery Magnific Popup
Font Used
- Montserrat - Google Fonts
Icon Used
- Free Icons by Fontawesome Icon
- SVG Icon
Image Credits
- Image: Unsplash
Please Note:
- All images are just used for Preview purposes only. They are not part of the html templates and no Solpan in the final purchase files.
- This is purely an HTML/CSS template and not a WordPress or any other CMS template.
- Any code or CSS customization, as well as feature additions or changes, are not included in the item support.
$10 $49
Last Update | |
Published | 26-02-2025 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Files Included | HTML files, CSS files, JS files, Images,... |
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