Euildint - Construction & Building HTML5 Template

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Euildint Construction & Building HTML5 Template

Euildint Construction & Building HTML5 Template is specifically designed for builder and construction-based services. It has a beautiful and unique design that is well-suited for online web presence. architecture, builder, building, construction, construction business, construction company, renovation, home renovation, renovation construction, home repair, kitchen renovation, electrician, factory, handyman, plumber, contractor, engineers, engineering, industry, industrial, home repair with family, clean home with family, manufacturing, mechanical, refinery, corporate business, home, construction building, industry factory, handyman, painter, plumber, Electricity Repairing, Electrician, Electrician Services, Electricity, renovation, home renovation, home repair, repair services, construction e-commerce, construction eCommerce, e-commerce, eCommerce,portfolio, bootstrap, agency, blog, web templates, video, news, construction, sass, html, html5, directory, newsletter, evergreen, website, Airbnb, map, modern, fatherland, motherland evergreen, Independence day, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, weddings, It is suitable for real estate and construction firms. This clean and modern HTML5 template is best suited for construction, building companies, renovation, and remodeling contractor services. It caters to various aspects of construction such as tiling, refurbishment, partitions & ceilings, plastering & rendering, carpentry & joinery, and architecture professionals. Euildint Template, with its attractive slider, enhances the appeal and uniqueness of the item. It is also responsive and retina ready.

This is highly customizable and looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included best practices of web development and you can create a great website layout based on Bootstrap.

Features Overview

  • Bootstrap 5.x Framework:
    Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile-first projects on the web.
  • 3+ Home Pages :
    Except template has nice and clean home pages.
  • Touch Friendly:
    Easy browsing on touch devices.
  • 100% Fully Responsive:
    Whatever you are using the device your site will run as it should be. SolarPanel template is the fully responsive layout for all types of devices.
  • 12+ Valid HTML5 Files :
    Except template coded with beautiful and clean codes! Some powerful HTML files 100% valid W3 web standards.

Full Features List

  • Based on Bootstrap 5.x
  • 100% Responsive
  • Flat, modern and clean design
  • Retina Ready.
  • SEO on-page optimized
  • CSS3
  • UX ready
  • Touch Friendly
  • Integrated google maps
  • Typography
  • W3C Validate Code
  • Decorated Header Menu
  • Full UI Kit elements with lots of features
  • Clean and commented code
  • Valid HTML5 / CSS3
  • 15+ Total Pages
  • 3+ Home Pages
  • HTML & CSS & JS files are included
  • 24/7 Awesome Support
  • Detailed documentation

Sources and Credits

  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • Swiper Slider
  • Magnific-popup

Fonts Used

  • Jost (Google Font)

Icons Used

  • Free Icons by getbootstrap.
  • Free Icons by Font Awesome.

Image Credits

  • Free Pik
  • Unsplash

Please Note:

  • All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the HTML templates and not included in the final purchase files.

$10 $13

Live Preview
You can download it after purchase.

Last Update
Published 25 October 2023
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Compatible With Bootstrap 5.x
Files Included HTML Files, CSS Files, Images,...
Columns 4+
Layout Responsive
Tags architecture, building, business, construction, constructor, contractor, creative, engineer, exterior design, industry, modern, renovation, roofing, textures


Our goal is to make high-quality design accessible to everyone at an affordable price. We work with a large network of talented designers and developers from around the world who are able to provide us with unique and innovative designs at a lower cost. By keeping our prices low, we hope to enable small businesses and individuals to have access to professional-quality design without breaking the bank.
The download file contains HTML, CSS, JS files and images that are the same as what you see on the preview/demo page. We provide our files in HTML format with clean code so that everyone can easily use them without needing to install anything extra.