Delixa - Creative Digital Agency HTML5 Template
Highlighted Features:
✅ Buy One Time & Get Free Updates Forever.
✅ 04 Awesome Demo
✅ Modern and Clean Design.
✅ Smooth Scrolling Effect.
✅ Unique effects and functionality.
✅ 4 Different Navigation.
✅ Working Contact Form PHP.
✅ More Demo Pages + Features Coming.
Delixa – Creative Digital Agency HTML5 Template
Delixa is a next-generation HTML5 Template suitable for Digital Agencies, Design studios, Digital Marketing Agencies, Web design agencies, and startup businesses. This template is specially designed for those who want to start their web design or software business Industrial website.
It is an entirely new and trendy design based on award-winning design concepts with eye-catching animation and smoothness. If you start scrolling any page, you are never going to stop as it will give you more and more flexibility and smoothness. You will be able to customize every part of this template including animation, cursor and many more. We have very rich documentation for specifically for this template so that you will be able to customize everything if you know just how to change a code.
Features Overview
Bootstrap 5.x Framework:
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Responsive Layout Design:
Delixa template is a fully responsive layout for all types of devices.
Developer Friendly Code :
Delixa template has nice and clean codes for development.
Touch Friendly :
Easy browsing on touch devices.
Sass :
Delixa template coded with sass
Animations :
Awesome gsap animations makes delixa cool.
Full Features List
- Based on Bootstrap Latest Version
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
- 100% Responsive
- Tested on real Devices
- Easy to Customize
- W3C Validated HTML Pages
- Awesome Preloader
- SEO optimized
- Based On Sass
- Fonts Awesome Icons
- Free Google Fonts
- Easy to Customize
- Flat, Modern and Clean Design
- Retina Ready
- UX Ready.
- Touch Friendly
- Typography
- W3C Validate Code
- Fixed & Sticky Menu
- Full UI Kit Elements with lots of features
- Clean and Commented Code
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Awesome Unique Look
- Image Background
- Smooth Transition Effects
- Modern Animations Effects
- All Modern Browser Compatible [IE 11, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Edge and Safari]
- Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- HTML CSS JS files are included
- 24/7 Awesome Support
- Detailed Documentation
Sources and Credits
- Bootstrap
- Swiper Js
- jQuery
- Waypoints Js
- Counter-Up js
- Gsap Js
- Scroll-smoother Js
- Scroll-Trigger Js
- vanilla-Tilt Js
Google Fonts Used
- (Google Fonts)
Icons Used
- Font Awesome Icon Font Awesome Pro 6
Image Credits
- Allfreephotos
- Freepik
- unsplash
Change Log
- All images are used for preview purposes only and are not included in the HTML templates. They serve illustrative purposes to showcase the template’s potential. If you require the images and illustrations, please feel free to contact us. Terms and Conditions Apply.
$10 $14
Last Update | |
Published | 18-01-2025 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Files Included | HTML files, CSS files, JS files, Images,... |
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