ByteWave - Digital Agency & IT Service HTML Template

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ByteWave – Digital Agency & IT Service HTML Template

1. Introduction

ByteWave is specifically designed for IT service companies and digital marketing agencies. It offers a flexible and creative framework to help you build a professional and engaging website for your business. With a smooth interface and integrated advanced features, it enables you to create the best user experience for your clients.
This template is particularly suitable for projects and websites related to IT services and digital communication. It provides flexibility for customization and integration to meet your specific requirements. The template offers various header styles, pages, and footer options for a diverse selection. Built with modern technologies like Bootstrap, Javascript, and Jquery, it ensures compatibility across multiple browsers and responsive design, making your website perform seamlessly on various devices.

ByteWave comes with 7 Header Styles, 30+ Pages and 2 Footer styles that will bring new taste to your site every day. ByteWave is built with Bootstrap 5, Javascript, Jquery, W3C validate Code and HTML 5 at a time. The best thing people will enjoy in your site is Cross-Browser Compatibility and Responsive layout altogether.

In addition, this neat, clean and simple website has smart- SEO friendly coding pattern that will raise your website in top ranking within short time.

Get ByteWave soon and elevate your digital presence and captivate your audience with the ByteWave Template today. If you like my samples, please rate them 5 stars. It is very useful for me.

2. Features

  • Figma Design File
  • 30 Pages
  • Fully responsive
  • W3C Validated Code
  • Clear CSS Table of contents
  • Clean Code
  • 7 Hompages Variations
  • Using Boostrap grid essentially
  • Google font include
  • Uploads Videos
  • View Listing Blogs
  • Easy to edit and customize
  • Super Clear and Clean Layout
  • Speed Optimized
  • Cross Browser Support
  • Well Documented
  • Free Updates

3. Fonts used

  • Plus Jakarta Sans
  • Instrument Sans
  • Phosphor icons

4. Credits & Resource

  • JQuery
  • Slick Slider
  • Animate.css
  • Scroll Reveal
  • Count Up
  • Waypoints
  • Bootstrap

– All these images will NOT be included in the purchased package, just for demo purpose

If you have any questions or need customization, please contact me via e-mail or through my profile page. I’m here to help!

A Product of Avitex Email: [email protected]

$10 $29

Live Preview
You can download it after purchase.

Last Update
Published 25 October 2023
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included HTML Files, CSS Files, Images,...
Columns 1
Layout Responsive
Tags agency, agency html template, agency template, agency website template, consulting, creative agency template, design agency, digital agency, it, it solution, solution


Our goal is to make high-quality design accessible to everyone at an affordable price. We work with a large network of talented designers and developers from around the world who are able to provide us with unique and innovative designs at a lower cost. By keeping our prices low, we hope to enable small businesses and individuals to have access to professional-quality design without breaking the bank.
The download file contains HTML, CSS, JS files and images that are the same as what you see on the preview/demo page. We provide our files in HTML format with clean code so that everyone can easily use them without needing to install anything extra.