Borne - Agency portfolio Bootstrap 5 Template
Borne is a clean professional Agency portfolio Bootstrap 5 Template which fits for all kind of Agency portfolio website. It has built with almost all the portfolio features that need a company. My package includes the Light and Dark version, which you can customize very easily.
Template Features
- Clean & Simple Design
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Fully Responsive Design
- All files are well commented
- Cross Browser Compatible with Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
- Extensive Documentation
Source and Credit
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
- Popper
- FontAwesome
- Animate CSS
- WOW Js
- Slick Slider
- Magnific Popup
- gmaps (google map)
- mCustomScrollbar Js
- Isotope
- ImagesLoaded Js
- Nice Select
- Pointer Js
- Parallax
Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.$10 $12
Live Preview
You can download it after purchase.
Last Update | |
Published | 17-06-2021 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Files Included | HTML files, CSS files, JS files, Images,... |
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