Abias - Multipurpose Bootstrap 5 HTML Template
Abias - Multipurpose Bootstrap 5 HTML Templete
Abias is a multipurpose portfolio html5 template. This template is the great solution for all types of professional portfolio website. The design of the template is highly creative and eye catching. You can use this template to make your portfolio. This template has 7 unique home demos which you can use for making different professional portfolio website.
Abias is highly customizable, very responsive looks awesome on both tablets and mobile devices. We have made it with the best practice of web development. You can create an amazing website layout based on Bootstrap or Grid 1170px.
Features List:
- 9 Home Page Demos
- Based on Bootstrap 4.x
- Clean CSS
- 100% Responsive & Retina Ready
- Clean and Commented Code
- Validated HTML & CSS
- Awesome Coming Soon Page
- 26+ Unique Pages
- Google Fonts
- Icon Fonts (FontAwesome & Flaticon)
- Creative Portfolio Design
- Slick Slider With Different Style and Animation
- Countdown Animation
- Parallax Animation
- Creative Particle
- Not Found Page & Blog Page Included
- Masonary Layout
- Isotope Filtering
- OnePage Nav
- Sticky Menu
- Multi-Browser Support
- SEO Optimized
- Detailed documentation
- Working PHP Form
Font Used:
- Josefin Sans Google Font
Icon Used:
- FontAwesome
- Icofont
- Flaticon
Source & Credits:
- Isotope
- Imagesloaded
- Meanmenu
- Parallax
- Animated-headline
- Slick Slider
- Particles
- Tilt
- Pointlight
Image Credits:
- Pixabay
- Freepik
- Unsplash
- Pexels
All images used on the preview template are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the html templates and not included in the final purchase files.
$10 $17
Last Update | |
Published | 29-06-2021 |
High Resolution | Yes |
Files Included | HTML files, CSS files, JS files, Images,... |
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